All inspections come with:
Most homes and workplaces will have electrical and wireless EMF radiation hot spots that can easily exceed the exposure levels known to impact on you and your family’s health.
Do you spend time next to electrical & wireless devices including power meter boxes/switchboards, bedside electrical alarm clocks, power adaptors/transformers, cordless & mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, games consoles, baby monitors and other high EMF radiation emitting sources?
Do you live or work nearby to high-voltage power lines, electrical substations or mobile phone towers?
Planning to purchase or rent a home/apartment and want to know if the dwelling is safe before making an irreversible decision?
Do you suffer from headaches, migraines, dizziness, sleeping disturbances, depression, fatigue, loss of memory and haven’t been able to find the reason?
The longer-term impacts of EMF radiation exposures include brain tumours, leukaemia (including children), breast cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, low male fertility, behavioural disorders, cardiovascular impacts and compromised immune systems.
Understand the EMF radiation dangers in your home or workplace and what to do about them.
Keep your family safe!
EMF Safe undertakes professional inspections which can identify electrical and wireless EMF hot spots in the home or workplace.
Where hot spots are identified, EMF Safe provides practical recommendations to reducing exposures.
Inspections include a desk assessment of electrical and wireless EMF activity in the vicinity of your property prior to coming out (Western Power high voltage lines and sub-stations, mobile phone towers etc), inspection of EMF levels inside and outside the home on the day (on site) including a discussion on recommendations, and a professional report emailed within a week of inspection.
Ensure you have your EMF test inspection conducted by a
qualified engineer. The founder of EMF Safe,
Sam Aoun, holds a Bachelor of Engineering and conducts all inspections.
- All inspections include a FREE microwave oven leakage detection test.
EMF inspections (including pre-purchase & pre-rental inspections) cost $495 for an average size home (4 bedrooms or less) within 15km of the Perth CBD.